Thank you for your love and continued support to the Cave! We love our growing community...its like one big family!..and all the fun-loving, energy, singing, dancing, laughter, stories, tears and good times...has a time and place when things get moving.
Please bring a mat, towel and water bottle - we also have a water fountain!
Mat Rental - $5
The environment within these walls is valued time and holds respect and consideration towards the instructors, as well as students. All participants MUST arrive BEFORE class begins AND commit to it. Allow yourself enough time to check in, use the restroom, prepare and settle on your mat...the door locks promptly AT start times, therefore do not pull on the handle nor knock on the door.
They will NOT be tolerated.
Time and effort goes into these classes; please respect our instructors by doing what the sequence is - modifications are given and we understand current injuries, but it is different than your own moves or adding on to them...this is not the gym!
Savasana is a time to restore, relax and part of your journey. Please refrain from whispering, starting to collect your things, moving about and/or stepping off your mat, until your instructor puts closure to class.
Thank you!
In the early morning hour, stretch and gently move through poses to find ways that integrate breath to mind and body. These movements are simple, effective and will reduce stress, as well as address emotional and physical well-being. Quiet your mind and become acquainted with a complete and multi-faceted the magic of sound. Cozy warm at 92 degrees.
Ananda, derived from the Sanskrit language, encompasses the profound essence of bliss and joy. Rooted in Hinduism ad Buddhism, this word encapsulates the pursuit of spiritual contentment and a state of inner peace. This powerful class sequences breath to movement while stepping outside the boundaries of a traditional Power Vinyasa. All levels are welcome as we practice the same sequence every week for an entire month. This allows the body time to become familiarized with the movement, lending to a fluid, meditative experience. We end with a 15 minute mediation where we settle into our inner space, fully connecting mind, body, breath, and soul.
The foundation of yoga postures and poses. Connect movement to breath and begin to find rhythm of this slower sequence, in the warmth of 85 degrees.
Feel very energized, in this sometimes more rapid moving class, that very quickly becomes meditation in motion within the heat of 92-95.
Powerful and energetic form of yoga. Fluidly move to build strength that will assist in flexibility and a revitalizing form of physical fitness. With an occasional inversion, that will bring you to your EDGE. Heat at 92-95 degrees.
When your body needs a little rest and relaxation. This slow paced Vinyasa has an ease about it; flow gently and surrender on your mat to mend. Heat set to 92-94
Combination of the traditional set sequence of HOT Yoga fused with a little flow. Focus inward in these static holds, balance and flow, that will deepen your practice. Elevated temperature to 95-100 degrees, adds extra warmth to your body that will encourage blood flow, detoxify, increase metabolism and improve cardiovascular system.
Through the fundamentals of a Vinyasa, this class is designed to increase core, tone, gain muscle strength and flexibility. With the use of free-weights, timed movements, repetitions and a little cardio, this sequence is an all encompassing, total body workout - powerful, heated from 92-95 and intense!
Another combination class - lets split it!....50/50. Flow your way through 30 minutes of a Power Vinyasa that merges into Sculpt for the back half. Heated from 92-95 degrees and intense!
On your mat - literally. Restorative style yoga with postures and asanas held for longer periods of time; target connective tissues…perhaps more focus on pelvis, lower spine and hips. With soft, deep lengthening breaths…1 to 5 minutes. ALLOW your body to ease into this class.